
Sunday, 18 September 2011

Ready for week 3!

I cannot believe the first two weeks of classes are already over.  This last week was just like a huge roller coaster ride for me.  Let me give you the break down. 

1. Monday, start talking in French all the time in class with students.  Woohoo! Huge success very little resistance.  I am thrilled with progress I am making.
2. Tuesday, find out ipods/ipads will be ready for use early next week!  YAY!  I am excited for my intermediate students to create media projects en français.
3. Wednesday, find out that I have been surplus and will likely be moving school.  Stress levels hit an all time high.  I love my new school and really do not want to move.
4. Thursday, find out that principal has worked some kind of magic by talking with the board about the effects of losing a teacher on our school.  I get to stay at my school!  Hooray! 
5. Friday, busy day followed by long trip to meet my brand new little niece.  Awwww. 

So everything was fairly positive except for that huge hit on Wednesday.  I have to say that I am so excited to have amazing administration at my school this year.  My principal stands behind each of us on staff and really puts the well being of all our students at the forefront of all he does.  And for that, I am extremely grateful.  

This week I know that things will continue to come together as students acquire more vocabulary and really get the chance to communicate with their peers en français.  I never would have guessed that students would be so enthusiastic.  I was thrilled this week when I slipped up in my 5/6 class and said a few words in English, one of my students immediately said: "Mme tu parles en anglais!"  I took the opportunity to have the entire class remind me to talk in French just like I would do to them.  It was an amazing moment for them and me!  

Have a great week everyone! 

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Selecting AIM plays

Well I have met all my students and things are going well so far.  I must admit that I did not start my year all in French.  Some days wish I had, and others think the way I am doing this is fine as well.  See I am new to my school and all my students.  I felt the need to quickly get to know some of them and have some knowledge of students names in order to get things going.  I know it can be done in French, however at this point in my career I was not ready for it.  Sometimes it has to be about what we're ready for too. 

So now that I have met my students and they have complete some activities with me.  I have a much better sense of where they are at with FSL.  I have begun making my play selections.  I will be teaching at least 2 classes the same play in, with the exception of 2 groups which need their own play.  Here is my breakdown:

1/2 La poule Maboule - I truly love this play as an introduction since students really enjoy this play.  They recognize the story immediately and see to chime in almost instantly.  This play will be great for this group because I only see them for 20 minutes/day right after recess AND I have to move them to the upper floor after they have changed.  In reality I am getting about 10 minutes with these guys each day.  Wish me luck!

2/3 Le chat et la lune - This play is almost identical to La poule Maboule.  I think it'll be great because I seem to have many reluctant learners at this point in this class.  It's an easier play that allows for lots of great success.

3/4 and 4/5 Boucles Violettes - Great transition play.  This play is a set up from Les trois petit cochons but not such a huge step that they will struggle.  The 4/5 class may have time to do a second play since I see them for 30 minutes rather then 20 minutes a day.

5/6 - A very keen group with a fair bit of exposure to AIM will be doing Marc le magicien.  I think it's a bit of jump for them but I will scaffold the concepts and make it possible for them.  Biggest plus here is they are so keen.

6/7 and 8 Chaperon Rouge et le loup fou, students are excited to be working with this text.  We talked at length today about different options for final projects that integrate a tone of technology if they choose.  These students are looking forward to being creative but I am not convinced they have the fluency needed for this play yet.  We'll work on it through out the year!  I have no plan for a second play so we'll take it slow and do lots of review with them. 

Choosing the plays this year was challenging since I don't know my students all that well.  However, I am confident that with time and lots of review each of my groups can be successful with their plays.