
Sunday, 28 July 2013

Drama in the FSL classroom

Next year, I get to teach drama, en français, to two my classes.  As a student, I LOVED drama.  In fact, that might be an understatement.  I participate in the improv and drama clubs at school.   As a teacher, ummm, let's just say I've been a little less enthusiastic.  However, upon reflection, I am realizing many of the 'issues' I have with drama as a teacher are due to my lack of proper preparation.

Let's take improvisation as an example. It's easy, right?!  You show up with almost no materials, you think up skit themes on the spot and presto you have an improv class.  (At least that's what it felt like as a student)  I realize now that you need to have props with you for certain skits, parameters for the students and playing cards already designed.  It's great to get students involved in coming up with playing cards but I often find at the beginning of the year their ideas are too specific to allow for great improv.

So step one this summer has been creating those great playing cards that I will be able to turn to in an instant as a warm up activity or an entire unit on improvisation.  Here is an example of one:

Since I know that my students will be participating in an improv competition later in the year, I designed 100 cards to reflect all the information they will need to be familiar with before then.  However, at the beginning of the year, I am very likely to simply use the Titre field for ideas and ignore the rest until students are ready.  

So I am curious, what do you do to prepare for a successful drama class?  

Mme Jones

p.s. If you are interested in the improv cards, the image above will take you to my TpT store where the cards are FREE until midnight


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Désolée, j'apprends plein de choses en même temps.
    Pour revenir à votre impro, je trouve ça génial. J'en fait aussi avec mes élèves... Ils parlent et s'amusent en français sans s'en rendre compte!
    En début d'année, je les réchauffe par plusieurs rappels et des exercices pratiques. En voici quelques-uns:
    - usage approprié du langage
    - mimer les objets car il n'y a aucun accessoire dans les impro
    - donner un commentaire positif à l'équipe et un commentaire constructif
    - pratiquer des scènes telles que: ouvrir et fermer une porte, transporter une boîte lourde, chuchoter (sans vraiment le faire), éteindre un feu (avec tous les effets sonores qu'on peut rajouter) etc.
    Ça ne me rappelle que de bons souvenirs. Déjà hâte d'en refaire avec les élèves.

    1. Moi aussi j'aime beaucoup faire l'impro avec mes élèves. Merci pour le compliment sur mes cartes. Tu trouveras que je vais ajouter des paquets de carte thématique au cours de l'année.

      Tes activités de réchauffement sont excellentes.


I'd love to hear from you!