
Saturday, 21 September 2013

This and That

It's hard to believe that the first three weeks of school have already flown by.  Getting adjusted to a new school year always takes a few weeks but I am finally feeling like we're getting things moving in my classroom.  I've been trying a few exciting new things this year and can't wait to show you want we've been up to.

1. 20% Time -  I had heard about this project but never attempted it myself.  Thanks to the inspiration I found over at Education Is My Life over 120 students are partaking in this amazing project at my school this year.  I teach French Immersion and Extended French(late immersion), so all the work is being done en français and so far I am so impressed with their amazing ideas!  We have projects of all kinds just getting underway, everything from learning ASL to creating how to videos for all kinds of things(origami, DIY projects...etc), to photography projects and even research projects on special areas of interest such as the history of pirates.  My students are excited and so am I.  There is a buzz of work going on whenever they are in 20% time.  I can't wait to see where these projects take us.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

First week back!

Well the first week is done and it was AMAZING!  I was a little nervous starting school this year,  being new to my building meant meeting new kids and staff!  Yikes!  Well I had nothing to fret about;  not only are my students incredible but the teaching staff is beyond supportive!  This is going to be a wonderful year.

As a class, we are almost most done all of the activities from my Activités pour la rentrée package!  We still need to play the game with our Postcards.  Students each wrote two postcards - one was something they did this summer, the other something they didn't do - next week they will present their postcards and their classmates will try to guess which is real and which is fake.  So much fun!  During this activity, I am getting a really good look at their areas of immediate need in writing and the proficiency levels with the French.  Students really got into it when they realised that their would be a prize next week for the student who tricks the most people and the student who is most accurate when guessing about other peoples holidays.  It really kept them from telling others which was the truth and which was a lie.  I look forward to hearing their presentations.